June 26th We celebrate the Campaign at WSFTE/Celebramos la Campaña en FSMET
June 26th We celebrate the Campaign at WSFTE June 26th 18h CET You can bring to celebrate a poetry, a food, a music, dreams, love. The meeting will take place following 3 Dialogic Circles https://www.facebook.com/events/267845074629074/ Start: 18hs CET-13 hs Brazil/Argentina/Uruguay 18hs Barcelona/Basque Country/France 19hs Kenya 24hs China, 1 am Japan Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82190199947?pwd=UGk3ZWFWRTZlVk9jeUorRUVNTys3dz09 Meeting ID: 821 9019 9947 […]
June 26th We celebrate the Campaign at WSFTE/Celebramos la Campaña en FSMET Leer más »