Letter of principles

Letter of principles

1. The proposal for a Global Curriculum of Social Economy emerges from some organizations of the International Network of Education and Social Economy (RESS) and is then embraced by a growing number of networks such as the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Economy (RIPESS), the National Network of Researchers and Educators in Cooperative movement and Social Economy (Redcoop), the National Forum of Social Economy (Brazil), the Universidade Popular dos Movimentos Sociais (UPMS)  and the Canadian Network of Social Economy, among others.

2. The Campaign for a Global Curriculum of Social Solidarity  Economy challenges the dominant capitalist economic system and defies conceptions   that consider economic activity only paid activities; economic production of goods and services only those involving transactions in the monetized market and purchasing power, thus naturalizing a market economy that reduces all exchanges exclusively to mercantile relations , as well a  market society that reduces all interests to material and individual interests.

3. The Campaign for a Global Curriculum of Social Economy is based on the World Social Forum, whose first edition takes place in 2001, where a counter-hegemonic scenario is presented to neoliberal policies and the Struggles for Another Possible World are being promoted.

4. The Campaign for a Global Curriculum of the Social Economy proposes a decolonizing intercultural education. It rescues the foundations of popular education and promotes a dialogue of knowledge between scientific and humanistic knowledge and popular traditional, urban, peasant and provincial knowledge, that nowadays are circulating in all territories.

5. This Campaign, is respectful of the different proposals that at a global level are also promoting the construction of another possible world and, hopes to complement these global initiatives that also aim at a sustainable socio-economic development and put in debate the frameworks in which the present campaign is originated.

6. The Campaign for a Global Curriculum of Social Economy states that only by changing the dominant model of economic development can humanity implement the Agenda 2030, to achieve the desired peace (ODS 16) and to stop the damage caused by climate change (ODS 13). A new economic, social and sustainable model will enable us to obtain, among others, the Sustainable Development Objectives: 1 – to end poverty in all its forms around the world; 2 -to end hunger, to reach food security and to improve nutrition, and to promote sustainable agriculture; 3- to guarantee collective health, a healthy life and to promote well-being for all in all ages; 5- to achieve gender equality and empowering all women and girls; 7 – to guarantee the access to affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy for all; 8- to promote a sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; 12- to guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns.

7. The basis for the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) or World Objectives is a Quality Education (Objective 4) that develops itself throughout the life in formal and non-formal contexts and that stimulates the criticism of the Current model of predatory economy and unsustainable patterns of production and consumption (Objective 12) but also promotes and strengthens actions that represent alternatives to that model.

8. At the same time, inclusive, equitable and quality education that promotes lifelong learning opportunities (ODS 4) will actually exist if we strengthen and spread that another economy is possible, the Social Economy.

9. A Quality Education is done by a Curriculum that goes beyond the curricula of formal education institutions to include processes of popular education that are developed in society as a whole.

10. The Global Curriculum of Social Economy recognizes that all systems of knowledge in the world are sciences and that the wisdom of native indigenous peasant nations is endogenous science, with its own epistemology or theoretical framework, which implies that the form In which knowledge is organized, its logic, its theoretical components, its paradigms, its gnoseology and ontology are different.

11. The Global Curriculum of Social Economy proposes a fusion of theory and practice carried out by civil society organizations, social movements, communities of indigenous peoples, schools and universities of the planet, based on a core of socio-economic principles and Sustainable practices adapted to the different needs that arise in the territories taking care of the diversity of existing cultures and customs. The Global Curriculum of Social Economy is present in thousands of experiences in the world of food sovereignty, with production without pesticides that in addition to a healthy and responsible food, generate links with the respectful nature of the land, the ecosystem in general and change Climate in particular.

12. The Global Curriculum of the Social Economy establishes the bases of the social processes of a fair and equitable economy capable of eradicating material and spiritual poverty. From education as a pillar of life, guarantees learning based on practices of ethical consumption, ways of organizing work through shared and democratic decisions with equal distribution of results.

13. The Global Curriculum of the Social Economy promotes the knowledge of renewable energies, values ​​gender equality at the center of the economy and the development of cities and communities from the economic growth.

14. In incorporating social movements and communities, the proposal of the Global Curriculum of the Social Economy goes forward a long way through the countries and important initiatives in all the continents where educational actions are carried out to overcome the economic model that produces disasters Social and environmental issues on a global scale. Many of these initiatives are recognized and supported by UNESCO in the context of Global Citizenship Education, such as the Global Curriculum project (2010-2012), the World Class Teacher project (2013 and 2015) developed by organizations from seven European countries and expert consultants from Brazil and Benin and the actions of young leaders of the Scout Movement in Europe guided the principles of citizenship and global sustainability.

15. The Campaign for a Global Curriculum of Social Economy is implemented by a multi-coordination of educators, researchers and activists from different countries who take responsibility to promote and make visible exchange processes for the debate of public policies in Education for a Social Economy.

16. The Global Curriculum Campaign of the Social Economy wants to mobilize wills and resources for the construction of a Global Map of educational initiatives for a Social Economy carried out in formal and non-formal contexts around the world; from a website that allows access to plans and training programs in Social Economy, educational materials and pedagogical tools produced in all countries by social movements, communities and civil society organizations, governmental organizations, universities and schools.

17. The Global Curriculum Campaign of the Social Economy seeks to promote public policies in education for a Social Economy.